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Isenoumi Stable

NOTE: The title appearing under the coaching name indicates the individual's position in the Nihon Sumo Kyokai.

NOTE: C=Top Division Championship, O=Outstanding Performance Award, F=Fighting Spirit Prize, T=Technique Prize


Master Isenoumi Hayato <director>

Ring Name Maegashira #3 Kitakachidoki
Given Name Hayato Kuga
Birthday January 1, 1966
Birthplace Hokkaido
Career Record 710-732-22
Prizes C-0/O-0/F-0/T-0


Coach Katsunoura Toshiro <director>

Ring Name Maegashira #2 Kirinishiki
Given Name Toshiro Yamada
Birthday August 31, 1962
Birthplace Gunma
Career Record 551-547-77
Prizes C-0/O-0/F-0/T-0

Coach Kabutoyama Tsuyoshi <iin>

Ring Name Maegashira #11 Oikari
Given Name Tuyoshi Saito
Birthday June 16, 1972
Birthplace Kyoto
Career Record 356-336-57
Prizes C-0/O-0/F-0/T-0

Coach Tatekawa Toshio <iin>

Ring Name Sekiwake Tosanoumi
Given Name Toshio Yamamoto
Birthday February 16, 1972
Birthplace Kochi
Career Record 732-735-16
Prizes C-0/O-7/F-5/T-1

Coach Kasugayama Shota <shunin>

Ring Name Sekiwake Ikioi
Given Name Shota Toguchi
Birthday October 11, 1986
Birthplace Osaka
Career Record 546-545-14
Prizes C-0/O-0/F-4/T-0

Coach Kagamiyama Shoji <consultant>

Ring Name Sekiwake Tagaryu
Given Name Noboru Kurotani
Birthday February 15, 1958
Birthplace Ibaraki
Career Record 561-621-10
Prizes C-1/O-0/F-1/T-1



East Maegashira #12 Nishikigi Tetsuya


East Juryo #13 Wakaikari Seigo


West Makushita #35 Narutaki
West Makushita #54 Sazanami
West Makushita #59 Ryusei


West Sandanme #68 Daigoyama
West Sandanme #78 Nikko
Sandanme #80 Ikarigata


West Jonidan #12 Uzumasa
East Jonidan #26 Tokio
West Jonidan #58 Hakuyo
West Jonidan #82 Datenoumi
West Jonidan #97 Datenomori


East Jonokuchi #6 Soga
East Jonokuchi #9 Kyonosato


Sandanme Referee Shikimori Kainosuke

Given Name Kaito Saita
Birthday April 5, 2000