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Hoshoryu Promoted As The 74th Yokozuna In History

The Nihon Sumo Kyokai is proud to announce that on January 29, 2025, following a special board of directors meeting, Ozeki Hoshoryu (Tatsunami Stable) was promoted to the rank of Yokozuna. He now becomes the 74th yokozuna in history.

The 74th Yokozuna
Hoshoryu Tomokatsu
Stable Tatsunami
Name Sugarragchaa Byambasuren
Ring Name Hoshoryu
Birthday May 22, 1999
Birthplace Mongolia
Height 188.0cm
Weight 148.0kg
Career Record 330-200-5
Makuuchi Records 248-152-5
Makuuchi Titles 2
Jonidan Titles 1
Fighting Spirit Prize 1
Technique Prize 2
Signature Maneuver migi-yotsu/yori, nage
Debut January, 2018
Juryo Debut November, 2019
Makuuchi Debut September, 2020
Sanyaku Debut March, 2022
Ozeki Promotion September, 2023

(as of January 2025)